Spay and Neuter FAQs

Spay and Neuter FAQs Answered by Our Veterinarian Near You

Is your pet old enough to be spayed or neutered? Are you considering this surgery for an adult cat or dog? This kind of procedure/surgery is a great way to prevent pets from having kittens or puppies that need homes. In the event that you have questions about what goes into spay and neuter surgeries, our veterinarian has provided some of the most frequently asked questions that pet owners tend to have.

Spay and Neuter FAQs

Do you need a veterinarian near you for spay/neuter services? At Bellalago Veterinary Hospital, we offer this kind of care in Kissimmee, FL.

Does Spaying or Neutering Benefit My Pet’s Health?

These procedures provide some important advantages for your dog or cat’s well-being, including the following:

•           Lowered risk for certain cancers in female pets

•           Reduced risk for testicular cancer in male pets

•           Uterine infection prevention in female dogs and cats

Will Spaying or Neutering Change My Pet’s Behavior?

You might notice some changes that are better for your pet and you! These include:

•           Less roaming for a lower risk of being lost or hit by a car

•           Less spraying to mark territory

•           No heat cycles in female pets

What Does Spaying and Neutering Involve?

Spaying involves removing a female pet’s reproductive organs. Neutering involves removing a male pet’s testicles. These procedures prevent animals from being able to reproduce.

When Should I Have This Done?

The answer to this question changes based on your pets’ age and breed. Generally, puppies and kittens may be able to undergo this surgery when they’re at least 8 weeks old, but other factors might come into play. Our vet can recommend when to have this done.

How Do I Prepare My Pet?

We’ll provide you with a list of instructions to follow. This helps ensure your pets are ready for their procedures.

How Do I Help My Pet Recover?

There are a few things you can do to help your pets recover after surgery, such as:

•           Giving your dog or cat somewhere quiet to rest

•           Keeping an e-collar on to keep pets from messing with their incisions

•           Limiting your pet's physical activity for a couple of weeks

•           Watching for infections at the incision site, such as redness

Visit Us for Spay/Neuter Surgery in Kissimmee, FL

Are you ready to set up an appointment for this procedure/surgery? Our veterinarian near you can help! Call (407) 847-0802 to schedule a visit at Bellalago Veterinary Hospital.



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