How do I clean my pet's ears?

How do I clean my pet's ears?

By Melissa Santos Hernandez - Assistant, Bellalago Veterinary Hospital

Many times we have pets and oversee the importance of cleaning their ears. It is very important to maintain good ear hygiene in order to prevent ear infections as well as other medical issues. It is recommended to clean the pet's ears regularly with the proper products.

If you don't follow these recommendations and create a habit, your pet could suffer from serious infections, uneasiness, and even deafness that could result in costly treatments or surgeries.

Some signs to look out for that may reflect that your pet is having ear issues are: shaking the head, scratching ears, rubbing face on floor or rug, and bad odor from ear. You should use specific products for these as recommended by the Veterinarian.

One method to clean the ears is to wet a cotton ball with the cleaning solution, squeeze the liquid into the ear, gently hold and move the ear base in circles. Then dry the ear with another cotton ball.

These products help dry out the inner ear so it is not favorable for the growth of bacteria and decreases the possibility of infection.

Many times the pet owners have difficulties handling the process of ear cleaning. If this is your case, please feel free to call Bellalago Veterinary and schedule an appointment so we can help you. Your pet will greatly appreciate it!!!


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